Random Thoughts

Is SEO Dead? No, but it’s changing. I recap

Skull and crossbonesA recent post by covered the latest thinking on the often uttered words “SEO is Dead”.
I’ll try to recap and give you my thoughts.

1. No, SEO is not dead. You still need your site set up the right way, and to do the basics like have keyword rich title-tags and well written content on a variety of topics in your nich.

2. Yes, you need to keep adding well written articles (let’s call them blogs) to build your authority.

3. The article points out that “Social Signals” are now part of the mix, but are not the only thing. I would say, being active on social media, posting links to other good articles AND your own, helps establish you as an authority.

4. They mention that Local search is going to be more important. If you don’t already have well optimized listings in the top directories, you are missing out on the traffic they bring, and the value of those listings give you in terms of rankings.
I’m working on a solution for you to get that done in a cost effective way. Stay tuned…

now, if you want to dig deeper, check out the article.

Oh, and if you want to help my “social signals” please like, share, tweet etc, this post.

