Random Thoughts

November News


Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanks for being a part of my little community, and continuing to subscribe to this newsletter. My hope is that these news articles not only help you with their content, but that by getting this list, you can relax and feel you don’t have to scan the online marketing world for important news. Let me do that for you, and you can focus on those things that are important in your business.

So what’s happening?
Online marketing is still shifting towards better content. The better content you can provide on your websites the better you will do for rankings. Google’s rules for content are constantly getting more and more specific and make it a necessity for business owners and heads of marketing departments to keep up or face the consequences! The consequences are lower rankings and in extreme cases de-indexing from Google all together. That is why my number one recommendation for you is to focus on providing valuable content! Make sure that all your webpages have a word count of 500 or more, have correct html headings, and above all else are what the web visitor wants to see when they land on your site!

Top 6 Articles

Here are some great articles that I thought would help you out. Please be sure to contact me if you have any questions.


The Ultimate Beginner’s
Guide to #PPC Landing Pages | …

As with all forms of marketing, it is
imperative to first consider your buyer
persona before you begin building any type of campaign—including PPC.
Preview by Yahoo

5 Outdated Search Engine
Tactics You Need to Stop

Search engines drive more traffic than
social and email if you get it right. But things change in SEO. Here are search engine tactics you need to stop
Preview by Yahoo

Effective Social Media Management Tips For Small Business…

Want to learn how to effectively manage
your business’s social media presence? Here are 5 tips for effective social media
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Should You Copy A Top Site’s SEO?

Big sites like can teach us
a lot about SEO…or can they? Contributor Tom Schmitz gives us the lowdown.
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Google Launches Mini-Marketing Lessons For Startups W…

Google has rolled out a new iPhone app
called Primer, aimed at teaching startups
the fundamentals of marketing – with a
Google spin, of course. The new app,..
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SEO 101: 9 SEO Practices
When Building New Websites | …

The best time to start your SEO is before
your website is even built. Here are the
most important SEO considerations to
think about during the build.
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